Product description: 5 Pack Cotton Cool & Fresh™ T-Shirt Vests white
This pack of five breathable, cotton-rich vests will add an extra layer of comfort to your day. Regular fit t-shirt style, with short sleeves and a round neck. Made with multi-directional four-way stretch for ease of movement. Our clever Cool & Fresh™ technology draws moisture away from the skin, for an antibacterial and moisture-wicking finish that'll keep you feeling fresh all day. All of the cotton for our clothing is sustainably sourced and always will be.;;Style#Product Style:Vests;Regular fit;Added stretch;;Care and composition#Composition#90% cotton, 10% elastane (exclusive of trimmings);Care instructions#Machine washablenTumble dry
Marks and Spencer Ireland 1 is selling 5 Pack Cotton Cool & Fresh™ T-Shirt Vests white for 54 £ today. You can easily buy goods immediately in the e-shop. The product is in stock for fast shipping and is in the category.
The description, parameters and specifications of the product are available on the website. In the catalog you can also read reviews of 5 Pack Cotton Cool & Fresh™ T-Shirt Vests white, a description of the seller Marks and Spencer Ireland 1 and recommendations where to buy 5 Pack Cotton Cool & Fresh™ T-Shirt Vests white. You can find more detailed information about this product on the seller's website.
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We have a tip for a good place to buy this product 5 Pack Cotton Cool & Fresh™ T-Shirt Vests white. We recommend purchasing from the Marks and Spencer Ireland 1 eshop.