Product description: Analog Cases UNISON Case For Akai Force Keyboard bag
Case for standalone The Akai Force is the standalone centerpiece of your electronic music productions. Protect your investment with UNISON case. Whether you're headed to a recording session or a live show, you can have peace of mind that your Force is totally safe and secure. Custom-fitted hard case for the Akai Force Crafted from lightweight and durable aluminum Only 1/3 the weight of traditional road cases Die-cut foam interior with cable storage space Lightweight and durable construction Rugged aluminum framing and corner protectors Custom cut foam insert Top eggshell foam cushions your synth and protects knobs Metal latches; can optionally be locked for extra security (2 keys included) Black laminated wood panel exterior Exterior Dimensions: 539. 7 x 400 x 139.7 mm (21.25 x 15.75 x 5.5 Inches)
Length (mm): 539.7
Suitable for: Akai Force
Height (mm): 139.7
Тype: Hardcase
Depth (mm): 400.0
Material: Aluminum
Colour: Black
Lock: Yes
Padding: Yes is selling Analog Cases UNISON Case For Akai Force Keyboard bag for 162 £ today. You can easily buy goods immediately in the e-shop. The product is in stock for fast shipping and is in the category.
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