Andis Pulse ZR II Cordless Clipper Vet Pack

{{widget type="MagentoCmsBlockWidgetBlock" template="widget/static_block/default.phtml" block_id="1158" type_name="CMS Static Block"}} Andis Pulse ZR II Cordless Clipper Vet Pack The ultimate in dog grooming technology, the Andis Pulse ZR II Cordless C… Full description »
  • Availability: 12.02.2025
  • Manufacturer: Andis
339.95 £
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Product description: Andis Pulse ZR II Cordless Clipper Vet Pack
{{widget type="MagentoCmsBlockWidgetBlock" template="widget/static_block/default.phtml" block_id="1158" type_name="CMS Static Block"}} Andis Pulse ZR II Cordless Clipper Vet Pack The ultimate in dog grooming technology, the Andis Pulse ZR II Cordless Clipper Vet Pack cuts any coat type, in any condition, at any time. Powerful enough to clip anything from a cat to a horse, this cordless clipper features 3 hours of charge per battery and comes with 2 batteries to keep you powered all day. With 5 speed options, this clipper easily handles tough mats and fine, fly-away coats, while the simple LED display makes it easy to see which setting you are using. Dial in Every Prep With a Versatile, Cordless Clipper The art of veterinary medicine is the way you provide comfort and care to patients and their caregivers. Deliver quality service with this robust five-speed pet clipper. CeramicEdge blades ensure quick prep with any coat or breed, staying cool and sharp throughout use. The detachable blade system is compatible with virtually all Andis blades, offering countless options and simple maintenance between patients. A swappable lithium-ion battery means you’re always ready to go, allowing you to focus on providing exceptional animal care. Next Level Features Five-Speed Motor: Powerful smooth cutting CeramicEdge Blade: Stays cool, stays sharp Replaceable Battery: Enjoy non-stop power Rechargable LI-ION Battery All Coat Types: Freedom to create Ultra-Durable Housing Detachable Blade System Quiet Operation Specifications Weight: 420 grams Motor: Rotary Motor Speed Options: 5 SPM: 2500- 4500 Noise Level:

Christies Direct is selling Andis Pulse ZR II Cordless Clipper Vet Pack for 339.95 £ today. You can easily buy goods immediately in the e-shop. The product is in stock for fast shipping and is in the category.

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