BabyBjÖrn® One Carrier Air - Anthracite

Ergonomic and flexible front and back baby carrier - in soft and breathable mesh. Its new mesh fabric makes Baby Carrier One Air feel even more comfortable against your baby's delicate skin. The latest version is even softer and more pliable, so it's eas… Full description »
  • Availability: 24.01.2025
  • Manufacturer: BabyBjorn
175 £
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Product description: BabyBjÖrn® One Carrier Air - Anthracite
Ergonomic and flexible front and back baby carrier - in soft and breathable mesh. Its new mesh fabric makes Baby Carrier One Air feel even more comfortable against your baby's delicate skin. The latest version is even softer and more pliable, so it's easy for you to feel if your baby is sitting in a natural position. The maximum seat width is wider and the head support is higher. It's fully adjustable, so you can adapt it to exactly the right size for you and your baby from newborn. Are you worried that babywearing might make you and your baby too hot? Choose Baby Carrier One Air - it's designed to make babywearing significantly cooler for you and your baby. It's made almost entirely from an airy mesh and this helps to cool the places most prone to perspiration - the parts of the baby carrier closest to you (the shoulder straps) and your baby (between their legs). Mesh fabric is softer and more lightweight than many other materials, so it's easy for you to see and feel if you're carrying your baby in a natural position, with their back in a C curve. In all other respects, the baby carrier offers the same babywearing benefits as Baby Carrier One in cotton and gives you the important closeness to your baby. It's easy and safe for you to switch between several front and back babywearing options. The size, seat area and head support are fully adjustable, which means the baby carrier can be adapted to fit your growing baby and changing needs, as well as to different babywearers. You carry your baby safely and comfortably - while you keep your hands free! Baby Carrier One Air has a sturdy waist belt and padded shoulder straps that relieve pressure on your back and shoulders, and make it comfortable for you to carry your child from birth and up to the age of three years. Airy & breathable mesh fabric that dries quickly Mesh is a breathable material that makes babywearing cool and comfortable for both you and your baby. It's soft against your baby's delicate skin, yet meanwhile it's durable, and provides comfortable support for your child's back, hips and neck. Mesh allows moisture and liquid to pass through, and dries very quickly, so the baby carrier is soon back in use after you wash it. Ergonomic & comfortable in soft materials The soft, lightweight fabric makes it easy for you to feel if you're carrying your baby in a natural position, with their back in a C curve. Baby Carrier One Air provides the correct support to your child's hips and is acknowledged to be "hip-healthy" by the International Hip Dysplasia Institute. The waist belt helps to distribute pressure away from your back and shoulders - this is welcome relief as your child grows and feels heavier to carry. Fully adjustable size and seat width The baby carrier is fully adjustable to give you total babywearing freedom. It's easy to adjust the size, seat width and head support as your child grows and if you're one of two or more babywearers. The baby carrier is fully adjustable to fit babywearers of different shapes and sizes. You can adapt the baby carrier to fit you and your child perfectly. Babywearing from 0 to 3 years, plus facing-out & back carrying Suitable from birth and up to 3 years, and adapts in line with your child's developmental stages in their early years. Use the upper height position for your newborn baby: carry them facing in and high enough so you can kiss the top your baby's head. After 5 months, you can also carry your baby facing out if they are ready. You can carry your child on your back after they turn 12 months old.

Mamas & Papas is selling BabyBjÖrn® One Carrier Air - Anthracite for 175 £ today. You can easily buy goods immediately in the e-shop. The product is in stock for fast shipping and is in the category.

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    Communication with the store very perfect, nice support. Good prices and the goods were in stock and arrived quickly.
  3. Amelia
    Everything OK.

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