Product description: Beaba CamÉlÉ'O Changing Topper & Mat - Grey
Beaba CamÉlÉ'O Changing Topper & Mat - GreyLightweight, adjustable and versatile, the CamÉlÉ'O Changing Mat can be used on the top of baby's bath, cot, drawers or the Beaba CamÉlÉ'O Stand. If you're short on space, then the CamÉlÉ'O Changing Mat is just the product for you.You can fit it across a bath (be sure to secure it with the included suction cups) or you can set it over a crib or playpen. You could sit it on top of a chest of drawers or changing unit or you can fit it to the CamÉlÉ'O Support Frame.Consisting of a soft wipe clean cushion PVC mat and a plastic base with high edges and backrest to lessen the risk of falls, there are also two retractable side shelves for your nappies, wipes or tubs of lotion.
Mamas & Papas is selling Beaba CamÉlÉ'O Changing Topper & Mat - Grey for 40 £ today. You can easily buy goods immediately in the e-shop. The product is in stock for fast shipping and is in the category.
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We have a tip for a good place to buy this product Beaba CamÉlÉ'O Changing Topper & Mat - Grey. We recommend purchasing from the Mamas & Papas eshop.