Product description: Behringer PK108 Passive Loudspeaker
The PK108 is a super compact, exceptional 2-way, 350-Watt PA sound-reinforcement loudspeaker with Ultra-Wide sound dispersion and portability that is ideal for live sound, portable PA, monitor wedge and House of Worship applications. This amazingly versatile passive loudspeaker is ultra-and easy to carry and feature pole integrated in the housing and built-in screw thread for easy setup and hanging. Sound reinforcement has never been so easy!
Weight : 5,1 kg
Tweeter : 1"
Power (Watt) : 350.0
Made in : China
Frequency Range : 87 Hz - 20 kHz
Impedance (Ohm) : 8.0
Microphone Input : No
Type : Portable
Type : PA
Power : 350 W
Woofer : 8"
Inputs : Speakon
Colour : Black
Sound Pressure Level - SPL (dB) : 96.0
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