Product description: Born to be Wild - Luxury Changing Mat
Born to be Wild - About the Range Combining a hint of safari print, wilderness-inspired shades of sage green, sand and dark pink, and the natural charm of wild animals, this is a playful nursery range that's full of character, warmth and imagination. Contrasting textures lend the range a tactile and sophisticated feel, while a colour-palette that's muted subtle and earthy is neutral enough to sit in any nursery. Finishing touches are designed to fit in any nursery too - fun and eye-catching, with a hand-made artisan feel, that are as contemporary as they are imaginative. Luxury Changing Mat As any parent knows, life with a little one means a lot of nappy changes, so it makes sense to make those changes as comfortable as possible. With our Luxury Changing Mat you can keep your child protected and cosy while you change them. Suitable from birth, the padded mat and pillow ensure they can't roll out and always have soft cushioning. Product features: Plush quilted fabric for support and comfort Removable washable cover Suitable from birth
Mamas & Papas is selling Born to be Wild - Luxury Changing Mat for 36 £ today. You can easily buy goods immediately in the e-shop. The product is in stock for fast shipping and is in the category.
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We have a tip for a good place to buy this product Born to be Wild - Luxury Changing Mat. We recommend purchasing from the Mamas & Papas eshop.