Product description: Callaway StormLite Liberty Womens Peacoat/Brilliant White XS Waterproof Jacket
Engineered for superior protection and flexibility. Featuring a Heatseal Tour logo on the right sleeve, this jacket is crafted from a premium material blend of 84 % polyester and 16 % polyurethane. It offers a 10,000 MMU waterproof rating, ensuring you stay dry in the harshest weather. The jacket is equipped with AquaGuard pockets, cuff velcro, a two-way zipper with a chin guard, and an adjustable toggle hem for a customized fit. With waterproof technology and Swing-Tech stretch, this jacket allows for maximum movement and comfort during your activities.
Product Type: Jacket
Season: Summer;Winter;Autumn;Spring
Age Group: Adult
Gender: Female
Material Specification: Polyurethane;Polyester
Material: Polyurethane;Polyester
Original Colour by Producer: Peacoat/Brilliant White
Colour: Blue
Select Size: XS
Size: XS is selling Callaway StormLite Liberty Womens Peacoat/Brilliant White XS Waterproof Jacket for 139 £ today. You can easily buy goods immediately in the e-shop. The product is in stock for fast shipping and is in the category.
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