Captain Morgan Spiced Gold Rum Based Spirit Drink 35% vol 70cl

Captain & Cola The classic zesty mix Ingredients: 50ml Captain Morgan Captain Morgan Original Spiced Gold 150ml Cola 1 Lime wedge Method: Find a glass. A tall glass works best, but short ones work good too. Fill it with ice cubes, 50ml Captain Morgan… Full description »
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Product description: Captain Morgan Spiced Gold Rum Based Spirit Drink 35% vol 70cl
Captain & Cola The classic zesty mix Ingredients: 50ml Captain Morgan Captain Morgan Original Spiced Gold 150ml Cola 1 Lime wedge Method: Find a glass. A tall glass works best, but short ones work good too. Fill it with ice cubes, 50ml Captain Morgan Original Spiced Gold and 150ml Cola. Stir well and squeeze in some lime for a zesty kick.. The original. The icon. It's Captain Morgan Original Spiced Gold, a spiced rum-based spirit drink flavoured with the taste of vanilla, other natural flavours and spice for an irresistibly sweet yet subtly spiced taste. Versatility is its speciality. Make it hot, make it cold, make it sweet, make it fruity or even make it creamy. Delicious possibilities are there for the making.. OCCASION - Captain Morgan drinks mix even better with food. If there's a better spirit drink for getting your friends around & ordering a pizza, we've yet to find it. TASTING NOTES - Flavoured with the taste of vanilla, other natural flavours and spice. Mix what tastes good. Fill up the ice tray. Then, make it up as you go along.. SERVE - Original Spiced Gold is made to mix. Lemonade, ginger ale, fresh orange, grapefruit, pineapple juice, coke… you name it, it'll mingle with it. HOW TO ENJOY - Why not try a Captain Morgan & Lemonade - that oh-so-amazing cocktail duo. There's a delicious world of possibilities out there - just waiting to be enjoyed.. Captain Morgan.

Iceland is selling Captain Morgan Spiced Gold Rum Based Spirit Drink 35% vol 70cl for 18.75 £ today. You can easily buy goods immediately in the e-shop. The product is in stock for fast shipping and is in the category.

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  1. Oliver N.
    Fast delivery.....very satisfied.
  2. James
    Communication with the store very perfect, nice support. Good prices and the goods were in stock and arrived quickly.
  3. Amelia
    Everything OK.

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We have a tip for a good place to buy this product Captain Morgan Spiced Gold Rum Based Spirit Drink 35% vol 70cl. We recommend purchasing from the Iceland eshop.

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