Product description: Circus Puppy (2018) Board Game
The most popular circus in Animal City- Circus Puppy is going to perform There are different types of dogs such as French Bull Corgi Husky Shiba Inu The show is about to start However some members get lost because of chasing the butterfly too far away Seems like the leader Dogee has no choice but to let rookies go on the stage with the rest of the senior members Will these stunt dogs perform a great show for you?In this game players draw a dog card and stack it on the stage whether low stage or high stage by turns to get the point Whoever gets the highest points wins the game Players have to draw a dog card and follow the instruction shown on the dog card to stack it on the stage Components1 Dog members 30 pieces2 Stage cards 5 pieces3 Scoreboards 6 pieces4 Player sequence card 1 piece5 Player marks 4 pieces6 High & low stage 1 set - Board and Card Games is selling Circus Puppy (2018) Board Game for 9.49 £ today. You can easily buy goods immediately in the e-shop. The product is in stock for fast shipping and is in the category.
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We have a tip for a good place to buy this product Circus Puppy (2018) Board Game. We recommend purchasing from the - Board and Card Games eshop.