Product description: Clarke Clarke Devil 3000 82kW Propane Gas Fired Space Heater (230V)
Clarke's Devil 3000 Space Heater provides a highly efficient and low cost heating solution for industrial places of work such as garages, workshops, warehouses, factories etc. This heater provides a powerful 82kW output and a lightweight design to provide an ideal solution to your heating issues.
Machine Mart is selling Clarke Clarke Devil 3000 82kW Propane Gas Fired Space Heater (230V) for 442.8 £ today. You can easily buy goods immediately in the e-shop. The product is in stock for fast shipping and is in the category.
The description, parameters and specifications of the product are available on the website. In the catalog you can also read reviews of Clarke Clarke Devil 3000 82kW Propane Gas Fired Space Heater (230V), a description of the seller Machine Mart and recommendations where to buy Clarke Clarke Devil 3000 82kW Propane Gas Fired Space Heater (230V). You can find more detailed information about this product on the seller's website.
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We have a tip for a good place to buy this product Clarke Clarke Devil 3000 82kW Propane Gas Fired Space Heater (230V). We recommend purchasing from the Machine Mart eshop.