Compass Latitude Hardtail Mountain Bike, White

With a fresh updated look for 2020, the Compass Latitude boasts a solid hardtail frame making it easy to handle and manoeuvre. The suspension forks bring control and comfort to testing terrain and the powerful alloy V brakes bring you to a quick and cont… Full description »
  • Availability: 19.02.2025
  • Manufacturer:
199 £
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Product description: Compass Latitude Hardtail Mountain Bike, White
With a fresh updated look for 2020, the Compass Latitude boasts a solid hardtail frame making it easy to handle and manoeuvre. The suspension forks bring control and comfort to testing terrain and the powerful alloy V brakes bring you to a quick and controlled stop.The Shimano 21 speed gearing is simple and effective and from a known and trusted brand, with a wide range of gears to get you up, over and down with simplicity and ease.21 speed Shimano gears6061 Aluminium Hardtail frameFront suspension forksAlloy V brakesWheel size: 26”Semi-slick tyresPlease note: some minor specification changes may occur without notice. Any changes will use equivalent or higher quality parts._Building your bike: Bikes purchased online are delivered boxed and will require assembly before they can be used. View the GO Outdoors Bike Assembly guide for more info, including step-by-step and video instruction guides._We are happy to assemble your bike for FREE at any GO Outdoors store with a bike servicing department (this excludes all GO Express stores, and selected other GO locations). Please call ahead to confirm that you would like us to build your bikeYou can find store details and phone numbers here. Every bike sold also comes with FREE 6 week safety check_Can't get to a GO store? Our partners at LeisureLakes bikes will also assemble and inspect any new bikes purchased from our website. You can book a LeisureLakes appointment here_Warranty and Returns info: Unfortunately, we are not able to process faulty or warranty bike returns through our warehouse. If your bike develops a fault please contact your nearest GO Outdoors store with a bike servicing department where they will be able to help you. Please call to discuss and book an appointment before you go to store. You can find store details and phone numbers here

Go Outdoors is selling Compass Latitude Hardtail Mountain Bike, White for 199 £ today. You can easily buy goods immediately in the e-shop. The product is in stock for fast shipping and is in the category.

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  1. Oliver N.
    Fast delivery.....very satisfied.
  2. James
    Communication with the store very perfect, nice support. Good prices and the goods were in stock and arrived quickly.
  3. Amelia
    Everything OK.

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