Cressi Dry Bi-Color Black/Red 20 L

Cressi Dry Bag is a practical and lightweight 20 L waterproof bag/backpack designed for boating and water sports. Made of high quality soft touch material. Electronically welded seams make the bag 100% waterproof. Details: Removable and adjustable shou… Full description »
  • Availability: In stock 15.02.2025
  • Manufacturer: Cressi
  • EAN: 8022983153377
38.5 £
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Product description: Cressi Dry Bi-Color Black/Red 20 L
Cressi Dry Bag is a practical and lightweight 20 L waterproof bag/backpack designed for boating and water sports. Made of high quality soft touch material. Electronically welded seams make the bag 100% waterproof. Details: Removable and adjustable shoulder straps let you wear the bag like a backpack Practical folding top closureguarantees that the bag is waterproof Rugged quick-release clip bucklesecures the closure Waterproof side handlemakes Waterproof sundries pocketwith zip closure Protection against water, dust, and sand Cressi is a family owned company, that has been manufacturing high quality products since 1946. Made in: Vietnam Volume: 11 - 20 L;20 L Original Colour by Producer: Black/Red Package Quantity (pcs): 1 Activity Type: Multisport Gender: Unisex Age Group: Adult Colour: Red;Black is selling Cressi Dry Bi-Color Black/Red 20 L for 38.5 £ today. You can easily buy goods immediately in the e-shop. The product is in stock for fast shipping and is in the category.

The description, parameters and specifications of the product are available on the website. In the catalog you can also read reviews of Cressi Dry Bi-Color Black/Red 20 L, a description of the seller and recommendations where to buy Cressi Dry Bi-Color Black/Red 20 L. You can find more detailed information about this product on the seller's website.
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In stock 15.02.2025
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  1. Oliver N.
    Fast delivery.....very satisfied.
  2. James
    Communication with the store very perfect, nice support. Good prices and the goods were in stock and arrived quickly.
  3. Amelia
    Everything OK.

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