Cybex Snogga 2 Pushchair Footmuff – Almond Beige

Cybex Snogga 2 Pushchair Footmuff – Almond Beige It's the footmuff for every season. SnØgga family of compact footmuffs give you peace of mind that your child is comfortable and having fun whenever you step out into the big wide world. The perfect f… Full description »
  • Availability: In stock 17.02.2025
  • Manufacturer: Cybex
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Product description: Cybex Snogga 2 Pushchair Footmuff – Almond Beige
Cybex Snogga 2 Pushchair Footmuff – Almond Beige It's the footmuff for every season. SnØgga family of compact footmuffs give you peace of mind that your child is comfortable and having fun whenever you step out into the big wide world. The perfect fit no matter what stroller or infant car seat they're going into, the SnØgga 2 and SnØgga Mini 2 feature bold colors to match every season and recycled materials so you can be sure you're making a sustainable choice. From frosty winter days to cool summer evenings – and for those blustery spring or fall days when the temperature changes by the minute – the Sn0gga excels at keeping your child cozy, comfortable and dreamily snug. So you can stay out and stay flexible, no matter what the weather brings your way. Product Features:Designed for a universal fit for strollers, the Snogga 2 is compatible with all harness systems and can be easily installed in moments. Keep your child feeling fresh on warmer days. Simply open the zipper on the bottom of the Snogga 2 for extra ventilation. It also lets you keep muddy shoes outside to keep the footmuff clean. If the weather turns cold, tighten up the hood with the easy-adjust drawstrings for extra warmth and protection. When it's warmer, simply pull the adjustable hood back over the stroller backrest to let your little one enjoy the fresh air. Get your child in and out of the Snogga 2 in seconds. The easy-access front zipper is designed for lightning-fast entry and exit. Compatible with Cot S and all Cybex infant car seats, it makes adapting to your family needs child's play.

Mamas & Papas is selling Cybex Snogga 2 Pushchair Footmuff – Almond Beige for 89.95 £ today. You can easily buy goods immediately in the e-shop. The product is in stock for fast shipping and is in the category.

The description, parameters and specifications of the product are available on the website. In the catalog you can also read reviews of Cybex Snogga 2 Pushchair Footmuff – Almond Beige, a description of the seller Mamas & Papas and recommendations where to buy Cybex Snogga 2 Pushchair Footmuff – Almond Beige. You can find more detailed information about this product on the seller's website.
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Mamas & Papas
In stock 17.02.2025
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  1. Oliver N.
    Fast delivery.....very satisfied.
  2. James
    Communication with the store very perfect, nice support. Good prices and the goods were in stock and arrived quickly.
  3. Amelia
    Everything OK.

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Where to buy Cybex Snogga 2 Pushchair Footmuff – Almond Beige

We have a tip for a good place to buy this product Cybex Snogga 2 Pushchair Footmuff – Almond Beige. We recommend purchasing from the Mamas & Papas eshop.

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