Delphin Feeder Chair REAXE Fishing Chair

An exclusive feeder chair combines the qualities of a classic fishing chair and luxury competition seatboxes.It’s built on a sturdy metal frame with four openings for telescopic legs. The legs are fitted with sturdy screws and large rubber-coated h… Full description »
  • Availability: Info in store
  • Manufacturer: Delphin
  • EAN: 8586018519557
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Product description: Delphin Feeder Chair REAXE Fishing Chair
An exclusive feeder chair combines the qualities of a classic fishing chair and luxury competition seatboxes.It’s built on a sturdy metal frame with four openings for telescopic legs. The legs are fitted with sturdy screws and large rubber-coated handles. The screw can be rotated around the axis of the hole, and you can tighten it in various positions for better variability when setting the leg length. Thick aluminium legs have big adjustable mud feet to adapt to different kinds of terrain. Front legs are telescopic and can be extended from the metal structure. This way, they are convenient for fishing on dams or other slant surfaces.There are universal threads on top of the front legs to attach different feeder holders or other accessories. The seat consists of a soft mattress for comfortable all-day-long lounging. The chair is grey and black with bold green elements in REAXE style.This chair is compatible with our feeder arm ProfixARM, with FlatWORX table and other holders with the same thread diameter. When you’re done fishing, the legs can be pulled out and the structure can be folded to make it as compact as possible for an easier transport. Technical information:Seat dimensions: 50 x 50 cmBackrest height: 53 cmSeat height: 27-70 cmChair weight: 5,6 kgLeg weight (total): 2,6 kgTransport dimensions:75 x 69 x 13 cmLeg diameter: 36 mmTotal height: 84 - 127 cmWidth: 65 - 85 cmFront legs: max. 116 cm, min. 67 cmRear legs: 60 cm Made in: China Weight: 5,6 kg Number of Legs: 4 Backrest Size: 53 cm Height Adjustable: Yes Designed in: Slovakia Seat Size: 50 x 50 cm Folded Dimensions: 75 x 69 x 13 cm Transport Dimensions: 75 x 69 x 13 cm Series: REAXE Height: 27 - 70 cm is selling Delphin Feeder Chair REAXE Fishing Chair for 132 £ today. You can easily buy goods immediately in the e-shop. The product is in stock for fast shipping and is in the category.

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