Product description: DezynaDog Pluck It 90g
DezynaDog Pluck-It Powder 90g Tired of the hassle associated with dog ear plucking? Introducing DezynaDog Pluck-It Powder—the ultimate solution for efficient and pain-free ear hair removal! Say goodbye to the tedious, discomforting process and hello to thick, shiny, and healthy coats for your beloved pooch. Effective Ear Hair Remover DezynaDog Pluck It is specifically designed to remove unwanted ear hair in dogs, ensuring cleanliness and health. With its precise control, targeted dog ear plucking has never been easier or more effective. Gentle and Painless The Pluck It tool is designed with rounded tips to ensure a gentle and painless plucking experience. It minimises discomfort for your pet while effectively removing excess hair from the ear canal. Say goodbye to the painful tugging and pulling of ear hair. Say No to Ear Infections Our Pluck It powder significantly reduces the risk of ear infections by promoting better air circulation. The removal of excess ear hair allows for easier cleaning and prevents the buildup of dirt and debris. It's the alternative to plucking dog ear hair that you've been looking for. Versatile and Suitable for Various Breeds From poodles and terriers to spaniels, DezynaDog Pluck It 90g is suitable for multiple breeds prone to excessive ear hair growth. Regular use will help maintain proper ear hygiene and prevent matting. Switch to DezynaDog Pluck It 90g today and make dog ear plucking a breeze!
Christies Direct is selling DezynaDog Pluck It 90g for 8.95 £ today. You can easily buy goods immediately in the e-shop. The product is in stock for fast shipping and is in the category.
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We have a tip for a good place to buy this product DezynaDog Pluck It 90g. We recommend purchasing from the Christies Direct eshop.