Ferrino Force 2 White

Double-skinned ultralight tent for two people with external duralumin construction. Tent construction is really quick and easy. The inner tent can be hung on the outer shell, so both jackets are built at the same time. The construction consisting of thre… Full description »
  • Availability: In stock 30.01.2025
  • Manufacturer: Ferrino
  • EAN: 8014044983900
362 £
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Product description: Ferrino Force 2 White
Double-skinned ultralight tent for two people with external duralumin construction. Tent construction is really quick and easy. The inner tent can be hung on the outer shell, so both jackets are built at the same time. The construction consisting of three bars guarantees high durability and maximum use of internal space. Two spacious halls can hold a large amount of material, inner pockets simplify the organization of things. This novelty is suitable even in very unfavorable conditions, thanks to its stability and speed of construction. Features: Ultralight tent for two people with external construction Dural construction Simple and fast construction Two spacious halls Water repellent treatment Inside pockets Mosquito nets in the entrances Triple reinforcement of congested areas Water column of the outer tent: 3,000 mm Water column of the floor: 8,000 mm MATERIALS: 70D Polyester Ripstop, 85 g / m3: Outer sheath with thermal insulation PU spraying to increase insulation properties. Ripstop treatment to increase durability, water-repellent surface treatment. Self-extinguishing treatment - the material is non-flammable. Water column: 3,000 mm. 70D Polyester Ripstop, 95 g / m2: Strong, waterproof fabric of thicker weight for higher mechanical resistance. Ripstop treatment further increases this resistance, in addition, in the event of tearing, it prevents further tearing of the material. The water-repellent treatment is applied on the outside, the inner side is provided with a flexible polyurethane coating. Self-extinguishing treatment - the material is non-flammable. WATERPROOFING: FERRINO guarantees (as the only tent manufacturer): the minimum value of the water column given on the joints of the material - glued seams, the value of the water column on the surface of the material is 1.5 times higher than the stated minimum value Weight : 2,7 kg Bedroom Dimensions : 210 x 130 cm Bedroom Dimensions : 210 x 110 cm Floor : 8000 mm Dimensions : 230 x 210 x 110 cm Made in : Vietnam Material : Polyurethane Material : Polyester Original Colour by Producer : White Water column of Flysheets : 3000 mm Colour : White Number of Persons : 2

Muziker.co.uk is selling Ferrino Force 2 White for 362 £ today. You can easily buy goods immediately in the e-shop. The product is in stock for fast shipping and is in the category.

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In stock 30.01.2025
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  1. Oliver N.
    Fast delivery.....very satisfied.
  2. James
    Communication with the store very perfect, nice support. Good prices and the goods were in stock and arrived quickly.
  3. Amelia
    Everything OK.

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