Product description: Flip XT³ Pushchair Bundle (4 Pieces) - Slated Navy
This Bundle Includes:Flip XT³ Pushchair - Slated NavyFlip XT³ Pushchair Carrycot - Slated NavyCar Seat Adaptors - Armadillo, Flip XT and Ocarro - Cybex/Maxi-CosiCup HolderFlip XT³ PushchairIf you're looking for a pushchair that can handle busy city streets, the lightweight Flip XT3 is perfect, with a sleek frame and large, spacious seat that ensures baby is always comfortable and a lie-back position suitable from birth, that supports natural, healthy sleep. Full of great features like the spacious shopping basket and compact one hand fold, it makes city living with a baby a breeze. The UPF 50+ large hood and air vent offers baby protection from the sun, whilst the peek-a-boo window makes it easy to keep an eye on them whilst they sleep. And because Flip XT3 is compatible with most car seats and carrycots, you can enjoy a full travel system that makes it so easy to get about with baby. In terms of style, the Slated Navy edition has a beautiful chrome chassis with black leatherette handlebars and bumper bar; woven canvas hood with matching soft knitted seat pad in a unique charcoal-navy shade that flits between indigo and dark grey, depending on the light.Product Features:The lie-flat position supports natural, healthy sleepAttach toys to the toy loop to keep little ones entertained on the go Compatible with car seats and carrycots for a full travel system The UPF 50+ large hood & air vent provides cooling protection from the sun The compact fold in either the forward or parent-facing position saves lots of space The magnetic peek-a-boo window makes it easy, and quiet, to check on baby The seat easily lifts off the chassis with one simple clickFlip XT³ Pushchair CarrycotGive your newborn a comfy place to sleep whilst you're out and about with our Flip XT3 Slated Navy carrycot. Designed to co-ordinate with our Flip XT³ Slated Navy pushchair, it's crafted from comfy quilted fabric, soft cotton blend chambray lining, with a cushioned mattress and a lie-flat position that supports a natural sleeping position, it's ideal for naps on-the-go. The magnetic apron means you can tuck baby away quickly and quietly, whilst the hood's optional air vent keeps them cool and comfortable. The Slated Navy version has a beautiful charcoal navy flat woven hood with grey soft lining and mattress.Car Seat Adaptors - Armadillo, Flip XT and Ocarro - Cybex/Maxi-CosiTurn your Armadillo, Flip XT or Ocarro Pushchair into a smart travel solution with the Aton/Maxi-Cosi/BeSafe Adaptors. Simply clip the adaptors onto your chassis, and then click in your car seat for a lightweight, versatile travel system. Click and go - for a fuss free, travel system ready pushchair. Made for - compatible with the Mamas & Papas Armadillo Flip and Ocarro stroller. Car seat compatible - for use with the Aton, CYBEX Aton Q, Maxi-Cosi Pebble, Maxi-Cosi CabrioFix and BeSafe iZi Go infant carriers.Universal Cup HolderHandy cup holder to suit your needsThe easy-clean design takes away the fussWipe clean with a damp clothIncludes: Clip and Cup Holder
Mamas & Papas is selling Flip XT³ Pushchair Bundle (4 Pieces) - Slated Navy for 736 £ today. You can easily buy goods immediately in the e-shop. The product is in stock for fast shipping and is in the category.
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