Garmin eTrex SE Handheld GPS, Black

Its display is designed to be easily readable in sunlight, and it comes preloaded with TOPO maps, ensuring you can stay on track even in the most remote areas.Equipped with a built-in 3-axis compass and barometric altimeter, the eTrex SE allows you to al… Full description »
  • Availability: 19.02.2025
  • Manufacturer:
109 £
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Product description: Garmin eTrex SE Handheld GPS, Black
Its display is designed to be easily readable in sunlight, and it comes preloaded with TOPO maps, ensuring you can stay on track even in the most remote areas.Equipped with a built-in 3-axis compass and barometric altimeter, the eTrex SE allows you to always have accurate information about your direction and elevation. Its long battery life and compatibility with simple AA batteries ensure that you can explore for days without worrying about running out of power.Whether you're embarking on day hikes, multi-day treks, or global adventures, the Garmin eTrex SE is the perfect handheld GPS to enhance your outdoor experiences and make the most out of your expeditions.Key FeaturesHigh-resolution 2.2″ sunlight-readable displayUp to 168 hours of battery life (1,800 in expedition mode)Multi-band GNSS support for secure tracking in remote locationsDigital compassWireless connectivityOther FeaturesGeocaching Live updatesPairs with GARMIN EXPLORE app Active weatherPowered by AA batteriesTechnical specification IPX7 waterproof - 1 meter in water for 30 minutesBattery: 2x AA batteries (not included)Weight: 156.5gDisplay: 3.3 cm x 4.4 cm (240 x 320 pixels)Case size: 6.1 x 10.0 x 3.3 cmMemory: 28mb Interface: USB-CIn the box: eTrex SE, Documentation

Go Outdoors is selling Garmin eTrex SE Handheld GPS, Black for 109 £ today. You can easily buy goods immediately in the e-shop. The product is in stock for fast shipping and is in the category.

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  1. Oliver N.
    Fast delivery.....very satisfied.
  2. James
    Communication with the store very perfect, nice support. Good prices and the goods were in stock and arrived quickly.
  3. Amelia
    Everything OK.

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