Groom Professional Blue Quartz Curved Scissor Range

Groom Professional Blue Quartz 8-Inch Curved Scissor Made with high-quality 440c Japanese steel, these sturdy scissors are designed to reduce fatigue, making them perfect for all pet groomers. The durable steel, ergonomic design, and comfortable scissor… Full description »
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Product description: Groom Professional Blue Quartz Curved Scissor Range
Groom Professional Blue Quartz 8-Inch Curved Scissor Made with high-quality 440c Japanese steel, these sturdy scissors are designed to reduce fatigue, making them perfect for all pet groomers. The durable steel, ergonomic design, and comfortable scissor rings make these scissors ideal for long days in the salon. Blue Quartz Curved Scissor This curved scissor is ideal for intricate designs and unique angles. Made with a convex blade, the sharpest available on a scissor, Blue Quartz will cut through even the thickest coats. Level 3 Scissors · Straight scissor · Stainless-Steel · Convex blade · Perfect for busy salons · Pet grooming scissors · 8-Inch Scissor Types Safety – A small grooming scissor for dogs with straight-edged blades but a rounded tip to avoid punctures. Particularly useful for more delicate work in intricate areas. Straights – The original scissor; primarily designed to cut away large quantities of hair as efficiently as possible! Curved – 2 straight-edged blades but designed at a curve. Useful for a variety of situations, rounded styles, intricate areas or anything else that requires some more curves. Thinners – Blades with teeth and thin gaps – can either be single or double-toothed. Designed to thin the coat, removing thick hair to create a lighter finish. Blenders –Blades with teeth and thicker gaps than thinners, but thinner teeth than chunkers. Can be single or double-toothed. Designed to blend longer and shorter areas on the coat and remove lines created by clipping or scissoring. Chunkers – Blenders but with thick gaps between the teeth. Perfect for styling and creating angles when you need a softer cut than a straight can provide. Designed for coats with volume. Scissor Levels Level 1: Entry-level scissors – designed to remain sturdy and sharp for as long as possible. Best for those new to scissoring. Level 2: Professional-level scissors – Designed with durability and everyday use in mind. Great for professional backups or groomers just starting out. Level 3: Professional-level scissors – Designed to provide a high-quality finish while remaining durable for everyday use. Level 4: Elite-Level scissors – Made to the highest standards to provide a beautiful finish and expert cut. Level 5: The highest level of scissors – Designed to create the finest finish. Want to get the most out of your Scissors? Check out Looking after your scissors LEVEL 3 - Scissors for professionals who take scissoring seriously.

Christies Direct is selling Groom Professional Blue Quartz Curved Scissor Range for 109.94 £ today. You can easily buy goods immediately in the e-shop. The product is in stock for fast shipping and is in the category.

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  1. Oliver N.
    Fast delivery.....very satisfied.
  2. James
    Communication with the store very perfect, nice support. Good prices and the goods were in stock and arrived quickly.
  3. Amelia
    Everything OK.

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