Product description: Groom Professional Heavy Duty Acrylic 8 Blade Box
Groom Professional Heavy Duty 8 Blade Box This box is very heavy duty - making it perfect for a busy salon, travelling and mobile groomers. Comes with sponge in each hole, allowing you to soak these in oil and add lubrication while in storage and prevent rusting. The sponge also protects the blades from damage. Each hole is a slightly different size - finally there is a box which you can store larger length blades and trimmer blades in comfortably! Shorter length blades will also fit comfortably.
Christies Direct is selling Groom Professional Heavy Duty Acrylic 8 Blade Box for 10.94 £ today. You can easily buy goods immediately in the e-shop. The product is in stock for fast shipping and is in the category.
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We have a tip for a good place to buy this product Groom Professional Heavy Duty Acrylic 8 Blade Box. We recommend purchasing from the Christies Direct eshop.