Helly Hansen Women's Coastal Parka Poppy Red L

A versatile, waterproof and insulated women’s parka for bitter winter daysHELLY TECH Protection guarantees waterproof / breathable performance while recycled PrimaLoft Black Eco 133 g insulation and a detachable faux-fur hood keep the warmth in on… Full description »
  • Availability: Info in store
  • Manufacturer: Helly Hansen
  • EAN: 7040058708940
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Product description: Helly Hansen Women's Coastal Parka Poppy Red L
A versatile, waterproof and insulated women’s parka for bitter winter daysHELLY TECH Protection guarantees waterproof / breathable performance while recycled PrimaLoft Black Eco 133 g insulation and a detachable faux-fur hood keep the warmth in on bitter cold days. We added hand pockets with brushed lining for an extra touch of softness and an adjustable waist, so you can customize your fit.FEATURESHELLY TECH PROTECTIONYKK ZipperPrimaLoft BLACKDetachable faux furAdjustable hoodHand pockets with brushed liningAdjustable cuff with snap buttonsChest pocket with YKK zipperHH metal logo tab2-layer constructionFully seam sealedINSULATION – Primaloft Black Eco 133 gPFC-freeFiber content:Shell: 100 % PolyesterLining: 100 % Polyamide (Recycled)Lining 2: 100 % PolyesterFur: 100 % ModacrylicInsulation: 100 % Polyester (Recycled) Technology : YKK Insulation : Recycled Polyester Original Colour by Producer : Poppy Red Material : Modacrylic Technology : Helly Tech Protection Colour : Red Age Group : Adult Powder Skirt : No Gender : Female Face Fabric : Polyester Fit : Standard Fit Material : Polyester Made in : China Technology : Primaloft Weight : 1200 g Season : Winter Material : Recycled Polyamide Lining : Recycled Polyamide Size : L Activity Type : Outdoor

Muziker.co.uk is selling Helly Hansen Women's Coastal Parka Poppy Red L for 264 £ today. You can easily buy goods immediately in the e-shop. The product is in stock for fast shipping and is in the category.

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  1. Oliver N.
    Fast delivery.....very satisfied.
  2. James
    Communication with the store very perfect, nice support. Good prices and the goods were in stock and arrived quickly.
  3. Amelia
    Everything OK.

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