Product description: Hope Technology Rear Thru Axle - 164.5 - 167mm
With the ever increasing use of UDH Hope felt it was time to make Rear Thru Axles, to start they'll have rear axle combinations for certain UDH compatible frames from Santa Crux, Specialized, Trek and Transition. See images for compatibility chart.Cut away to reduce weight whilst maintaining optimal bearing support for Hope hubs.Hex on all rear axles in case of disaster.UDH compatible bolts available separately to match axlesThe transmission bolt is not compatible with a GX transmission derailleur, it only works with XO or XX.Available in Hope s six colours.Rear Axle combinations for; Santa Cruz, Specialized, Trek and TransitionDesigned, tested and manufactured in the Hope factory in Barnoldswick
Tweeks Cycles is selling Hope Technology Rear Thru Axle - 164.5 - 167mm for 31.99 £ today. You can easily buy goods immediately in the e-shop. The product is in stock for fast shipping and is in the category.
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We have a tip for a good place to buy this product Hope Technology Rear Thru Axle - 164.5 - 167mm. We recommend purchasing from the Tweeks Cycles eshop.