iCandy Peach 7 Complete Pushchair Bundle with Cybex Cloud T Seat & Base – Pecan

iCandy Peach 7 Complete Pushchair Bundle with Cybex Cloud T Seat & Base – Pecan iCandy Peach 7 Complete Pushchair Bundle - Pecan Combining innovative British design with unsurpassable craftsmanship, iCandy is an award-winning creator of beautiful pushcha… Full description »
  • Availability: 04.02.2025
  • Manufacturer: iCandy
172 8.9 £
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Product description: iCandy Peach 7 Complete Pushchair Bundle with Cybex Cloud T Seat & Base – Pecan
iCandy Peach 7 Complete Pushchair Bundle with Cybex Cloud T Seat & Base – Pecan iCandy Peach 7 Complete Pushchair Bundle - Pecan Combining innovative British design with unsurpassable craftsmanship, iCandy is an award-winning creator of beautiful pushchairs. The family-run business, now in its 4th generation, is the proud winner of two Queen's Awards - one for Enterprise in International Trade and the other for Innovation. Founded in 1933, iCandy continually pushes the boundaries across design, style and innovation whilst maintaining quality, safety and functionality at the heart of every iCandy product. The ultimate pushchair for first time parents, the world's definitive, luxury single to double pushchair beautifully engineered, designed to fit perfectly around you and your baby. Suitable from birth due to the spacious carrycot which can also be used for permanent overnight sleeping. With its soft, modern premium knitted jersey fabrics, tailored to perfection and guarantees comfort for baby and style for parents. Now in its seventh generation, every element of the iCandy Peach has been crafted to ensure perfection in functionality, quality and safety and is the choice of parents who demand cutting edge design and style that lasts. Famous for its one-handed fold, incorporated carry strap and fashion forward fabrics, the Peach can easily convert into a twin or double pushchair with the use of innovative adaptors. From the very first push, with its high-quality aluminium frame, puncture proof PU tyres and new integrated Ride-on Board you'll immediately notice the ultra-smooth ride and effortless manoeuvrability on all terrains. Product Features: Suitable from birth (with carrycot) up to 25kg (15kg on elevators) Carrycot with luxury fleece lining, suitable for permanent overnight sleeping Converts from single to double / twin pushchair Converts to full travel system with included car seat adaptors Parent and world facing modes with integrated Ride-on Board One-handed seat recline with four positions Adjustable calf rest for ultimate comfort Easy slide “Pop-Up” harness with adjustable head support Auto chassis fold lock Adjustable, multi-function water repellent and SPF50+ canopy, with multi position large viewing window with mesh ventilation Ergonomic leatherette handlebar, with matching leatherette swivel bumper bar Handy Pip-Zip carry bag on the back of the seat unit Puncture proof, ultra-smooth rolling PU tyres Adjustable handlebar heights from 95cm to 105cm perfect for partners of different height Spacious 44 litre basket to hold up to 10kg in weight with built in drainage vent Compact, freestanding, one-handed fold Carry strap helps parents carry the pushchair with ease Elevators increase seat unit height to aid interaction with baby and when dining out Choice of 6 fabrics and 3 chassis colour options 5 Year warranty includedCybex Cloud T i-Size Rotating Baby Car Seat - Sepia Black The Cloud T i-Size infant car seat lasts from birth to 87cm approx. 24 months, it is the ultimate all-rounder for comfortable and flexible journeys with your child, both inside and outside the car. It offers an in-car recline position when used with the ISOFIX Base T (sold separately), providing a comfortable and safe ride. When used as part of a travel system the Cloud T i-Size gives you full flexibility by offering an outstanding, ergonomic lie-flat position, meaning your baby has unrestricted breathing and is at a safer reclined angle whilst their lungs are still developing. The Cloud T i-Size features Stretch & Lie-Flat Technology outside of the car, the recline hinges at the hip area to create a longer and more spacious seating position, as well as offering additional leg support. This makes the Cloud T i-Size one of the longest infant carriers on the market. With its all-round air ventilation, the infant car seat maintains a consistently pleasant seating temperature throughout the seasons. When used on the Base T, the 180° rotation allows you to turn the infant car seat towards the car door to effortlessly on and off-board your child. The Cloud T i-Size is the perfect companion for every step of the way. Cybex Base T 360° Rotating ISOFIX Car Seat Base - BlackThe practical and versatile Base T is a safe and secure foundation for the CYBEX T Line Modular System. Its rotation mechanism enables easy on and off-boarding of both the Cloud T i-Size and Sirona T i-Size car seats, while the optimized and user-friendly ISOFIX release buttons visual indicators confirm the correct setup on both the ISOFIX buttons and Load Leg. While the easy one-hand rotation mechanism allows you to rotate both car seats 180° towards the door, it also allows 360° rotation for a quick change between rear and forward-facing travelling directions in the Sirona T i-Size when your little one reaches 15 months old and 76cm tall.

Mamas & Papas is selling iCandy Peach 7 Complete Pushchair Bundle with Cybex Cloud T Seat & Base – Pecan for 172 8.9 £ today. You can easily buy goods immediately in the e-shop. The product is in stock for fast shipping and is in the category.

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    Communication with the store very perfect, nice support. Good prices and the goods were in stock and arrived quickly.
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    Everything OK.

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