Jelly Pet Grooming Loop 3/8" x 18"

JELLY PET GROOMING LOOP Go from grooming table to tub without switching grooming loops. Short and easy to manage. Groomers Pro Jelly Pet Grooming Loops are waterproof and mould resistant. This makes it the number one choice for professional groomers, v… Full description »
  • Availability: 15.01.2025
  • Manufacturer: Jelly Pet
16.99 £
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Product description: Jelly Pet Grooming Loop 3/8" x 18"
JELLY PET GROOMING LOOP Go from grooming table to tub without switching grooming loops. Short and easy to manage. Groomers Pro Jelly Pet Grooming Loops are waterproof and mould resistant. This makes it the number one choice for professional groomers, veterinarians, breeders, and handlers. BioThane® is a trademarked material that has the look and feel of leather but is much stronger. It carries a special polyester webbing with a TPU (Polyurethane) coating. Together, these ingredients formulate BioThane. BioThane is known to be more flexible, more durable, waterproof, and easy to clean. With this slip loop, you don't have to worry about bacterial build-up that most grooming loops produce. Take control of your dog with these Jelly Pet Grooming Loops and groom with confidence! STRONG, DURABLE, & PLIABLE: This original Jelly Pet Grooming Loop is stronger than leather! High-quality BioThane Material carries a special polyester webbing with a TPU (Polyurethane) coating along with American craftsmanship the pros can rely on! REDUCE BACTERIA AND MOULD BUILD-UP: Unlike Nylon grooming loops, Jelly Pet Grooming Loops and Leads are waterproof and easy to clean. Making it great when working with multiple dogs in one day. FITS MOST GROOMING TUBS AND TABLES: Simply loop your dog, slide adjustment and clip snap to tub or table. Fits all-breed sizes. Professionally tested and approved by the top dog groomers, veterinarians, handlers, and breeders! SAVE TIME: Go from the bathing tub to the drying table without the need to change your grooming loop. You do not need to continually wipe down your loop or lead between bathing and drying. MADE IN THE USA: American made by Groomers Pro - manufactured in Ohio, assembled in Wisconsin.

Christies Direct is selling Jelly Pet Grooming Loop 3/8" x 18" for 16.99 £ today. You can easily buy goods immediately in the e-shop. The product is in stock for fast shipping and is in the category.

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