Product description: Kreul Painting Canvas 80 x 100 cm
Stretched 3D canvas. The selection of a suitable painting underground is fundamental. After all, it has an impact on the application of paint and its effect. Whether covered canvases or white artist paper, whether stretched frames for oil and acrylic painting, whether water colour paper or mixed media block – the properties of KREUL picture bases are matched to the paints and requirements of the artists. KREUL thus offers a system that includes qualities for both beginners and semi-professional artists. Suitable for oil, acrylic and gouache painting 3D with a capacity depth of 3.8 cm 100 % cotton Light texture Weight 380 g/m² Pure white 4-coat primer Canvas stretcher bars made of FSC certified wood
Type of Canvas: Canvas Stretched Cotton 3D
Material Specification: Cotton
Used for: Gouache;Oil paint;Acrylic paint
Package Quantity (pcs): 1
Colour: White
Material: Cotton
Made in: Germany
Size: 80 x 100 cm is selling Kreul Painting Canvas 80 x 100 cm for 46.1 £ today. You can easily buy goods immediately in the e-shop. The product is in stock for fast shipping and is in the category.
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