Product description: KV331 Audio SynthMaster One (Digital product)
SynthMaster One is an easy to use wavetable synthesizer with an intuitive workflow. Although it shares the same engine with its bigger brother SynthMaster, it comes with new features like wavetable synthesis. With its simple layout, rich wavetable/waveform content and inspiring factory presets library, designing new sounds with SynthMaster One is a real joy.
Compatible with: All major DAWs
License: Full Version
Supported plug-in formats: AU;AAX;VST3;VST2
Hardware Requirements: 2 GB RAM;M1;Intel Core 2GHZ
Made in: Turkey
Oscillators: Yes
Sequencer: Yes
Arpeggiator: Yes
Built-in Effects: Yes
Envelope: Yes
Тype: Synth
Compatibility: MS Windows;Mac OS
System requirements: Mac OSX 10.9 <;Win 7 < is selling KV331 Audio SynthMaster One (Digital product) for 82.45 £ today. You can easily buy goods immediately in the e-shop. The product is in stock for fast shipping and is in the category.
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