Product description: Machine Mart Xtra Sealey SPI5S Intelligent 3Amp 12V Battery Charger
The Sealey SPI5S is a fully automatic microprocessor controlled battery charger and maintainer that benefits from patented speed charge technology, which actively monitors the charge acceptance and constantly modifies the charge output. This model charges the battery up to 3 times faster than conventional chargers without damaging the battery and its heavy-duty case, LED status lights, digital display screen, offering step by step instructions. This unit can charge conventional lead acid, calcium, AGM/GEL, leisure, stop/start batteries and is completed with reverse polarity protection, thermal runaway protection and automatic shut-off for added safety and battery reliability.
Machine Mart is selling Machine Mart Xtra Sealey SPI5S Intelligent 3Amp 12V Battery Charger for 147 £ today. You can easily buy goods immediately in the e-shop. The product is in stock for fast shipping and is in the category.
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