Maxi Cosi S Family Car Seat Bundle – Tonal Black

This Bundle includes: Maxi-Cosi Pearl S Car Seat -Tonal Black, Maxi-Cosi Pebble S Car Seat – Tonal Black & Maxi-Cosi FamilyFix S Car Seat Base Maxi-Cosi Pebble S Car Seat – Tonal BlackPebble S infant car seat delivers peace of mind for parents from day o… Full description »
  • Availability: In stock 04.02.2025
  • Manufacturer: Maxi-Cosi
459.97 £
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Product description: Maxi Cosi S Family Car Seat Bundle – Tonal Black
This Bundle includes: Maxi-Cosi Pearl S Car Seat -Tonal Black, Maxi-Cosi Pebble S Car Seat – Tonal Black & Maxi-Cosi FamilyFix S Car Seat Base Maxi-Cosi Pebble S Car Seat – Tonal BlackPebble S infant car seat delivers peace of mind for parents from day one. Tailored to babies' needs, it's suitable from birth up to 15 months (from 40 cm to 83 cm).  Pebble S prioritises safety and comfort for your little one, while offering convenience for you on all your family adventures and daily travels. The Click & Go mechanism is intuitive, working in combination with the S-Family's ISOFIX base, FamilyFix S, to ensure a safe, secure, and quick installation. Designed to be fully compliant with the latest i-Size safety standards, Pebble S offers safety you can trust. Paired with the FamilyFix S, it offers a secure installation using visual indicators for added clarity and ease of use.   The integrated G-CELL Side Impact Protection provides your child with unrivalled safety, spreading the impact and reducing injuries in the event of a side collision. With the cosy baby-hugg inlay, Pebble S keeps your little one comfortable whenever they're in their car seat. Providing a snug fit and including a separate head pillow for extra support, your child's comfort is well taken care of.  With Pebble S, safety, comfort, and convenience come together to create a cocoon of protection for your child's earliest and most precious journeys. Product Features:At just 3.4kg, Pebble S is low in weight and easy to carry, designed for everyday mobility. Meets the highest and latest i-Size safety standards (R129/03), offering maximum safety for your child. Does your car seat cover need a bit of freshening up? Wipe it down with a damp cloth, or put it in the washing machine up to 30°C.   The Sun canopy shields your baby from the sun, providing a safer and cooler atmosphere for sleeping and full UV sun protection. Compatible with our premium, non-dyed Car seat cover (sold separately). The breathable organic cotton fabric absorbs moisture quicker and provides extra cushioning. Made with soft, 100% recycled fabric by re-using plastic bottles. Eco Care fabrics are produced without hazardous chemicals, meaning babies' skin is not exposed to any potential risks. Maxi-Cosi Pearl S Car Seat - Tonal BlackThe Maxi-Cosi Pearl S combines the latest i-Size safety standard with comfort and convenience that parents can rely on. It can be trusted to offer years of comfort and security on every exciting trip your family takes, as well as the everyday journeys that make up family life. It has to be used along with the FamilyFix S base, allowing for quick and easy installation.   Designed to meet the highest and latest i-Size safety standards, Pearl S ensures your child benefits from the utmost protection on the road. G-CELL Side Impact Protection is built into Pearl S, providing your child with unrivalled safety by spreading the impact and reducing injuries in the event of a side collision. Pearl S is designed to adapt as your child grows. It can be used from birth with the Newborn inlay (sold separately) and all the way up to 4 years old (105 cm). The five comfortable sleeping positions ensure a snug fit and a comfortable ride at every age up until they exceed 105 cm. That's when it's time to switch to a child car seat.   Parents' daily routines are made even smoother with Pearl S's easy-in harness hooks, which simplify the process of securing your child safely in their car seat. No more wrestling with straps and buckles. Instead, the harness stays open and the straps out of the way while you put your child in place. Product Features:Meets the highest and latest i-Size safety standards (R129/03), offering maximum safety for your child. The best child restraint for maximum protection in the event of forward collisions. Attach the harness to the easy-in harness hooks to keep them out of the way as you get your little one into their Pearl S car seat.  Does your car seat cover need a bit of freshening up? Wipe it down with a damp cloth, or put it in the washing machine up to 30°C. Our Newborn inlay (sold separately) keeps your little one safe and comfortable, while providing a proper fit and room to grow. Compatible with our premium, non-dyed Car seat cover (sold separately). The breathable organic cotton fabric absorbs moisture quicker and provides extra cushioning. Pearl S is usable from birth, with the Newborn inlay, up to 4 years (approx. 105 cm). Compatible with the FamilyFix S base (sold separately). Made with soft, 100% recycled fabric by re-using plastic bottles. Eco Care fabrics are produced without the use of hazardous chemicals, meaning that babies' skin is not exposed to any potential risks. Maxi-Cosi FamilyFix S Car Seat Base - Black The Maxi-Cosi FamilyFix S is the dedicated ISOFIX car seat base designed to work with the S-Family car seats – Pebble S and Pearl S. Your child's safety is paramount, and that's why FamilyFix S meets the highest and latest i-Size safety standards (R129/03), ensuring maximum protection on every family journey.    With the intuitive Click & Go installation feature, FamilyFix S is designed to be safe, secure, and quick to use, ensuring every installation is a breeze. Visual installation feedback is used to ensure you've correctly installed your S-Family car seat, providing peace of mind when travelling with your little one.  With the FamilyFix S, your child can remain in the recommended rearward-facing position up to 4 years old. With the Pearl S, it's possible to switch to forward-facing travel using the FamilyFix S once your child reaches 15 months old (76 cm) or older.  FamilyFix S is more than just a car seat base; it's your starting point for safe and secure journeys with your little one. With their safety comes your peace of mind, supported by standout features such as Click & Go installation, feedback indicators and ergonomic release button.

Mamas & Papas is selling Maxi Cosi S Family Car Seat Bundle – Tonal Black for 459.97 £ today. You can easily buy goods immediately in the e-shop. The product is in stock for fast shipping and is in the category.

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Mamas & Papas
In stock 04.02.2025
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    Communication with the store very perfect, nice support. Good prices and the goods were in stock and arrived quickly.
  3. Amelia
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