Mutneys Peach & Passionfruit General Purpose Shampoo

Mutneys Peach & Passionfruit Shampoo Mutneys Peach & Passionfruit shampoo is a general use, everyday dog shampoo that will cleanse all coat types with ease. Amazing value for money and results from the first wash are guaranteed and will leave your pooch… Full description »
  • Availability: 16.01.2025
  • Manufacturer: Mutneys
19.75 £
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Product description: Mutneys Peach & Passionfruit General Purpose Shampoo
Mutneys Peach & Passionfruit Shampoo Mutneys Peach & Passionfruit shampoo is a general use, everyday dog shampoo that will cleanse all coat types with ease. Amazing value for money and results from the first wash are guaranteed and will leave your pooch smelling like a delightful blend of peach and passionfruit, hence the name! Product Info Diverse Shampoo This shampoo can be used on any dog over 12 weeks, so is perfect for any busy salon with lots of different breeds and coat types walking through the doors. The 10:1 dilution rate is a guideline but can be amended to suit different coat types or for a dirtier coat. Impurities be gone! The Peach & Passionfruit dog shampoo removes any impurities in the coat while leaving the coat with a delicious fruity fragrance that will transport you to a sunny destination, no matter the weather outside! Amazing general use formula Fruit fragrance instantly Made in the UK Dilutes 10:1 Available in 5 Litre Directions for use Pre-wet coat Dilute 10:1 and apply to coat, gently working into a lather Leave in the coat for 5-10 minutes Rinse thoroughly Repeat if necessary The Mutneys Brand The Mutneys professional pet care range has been developed and used in salons for over 20 years, meaning you can be sure your dog is getting the absolute best. With over 20 years’ experience to reach the highest professional standards, Mutneys professional pet care shampoo is one of the best dog shampoo manufacturers on the market. All their shampoos are pH balanced especially for dogs and will not take away any natural oils in the coat, with many containing essential oils to bring out the absolute best in your dog's coat. All shampoos are made in the UK.

Christies Direct is selling Mutneys Peach & Passionfruit General Purpose Shampoo for 19.75 £ today. You can easily buy goods immediately in the e-shop. The product is in stock for fast shipping and is in the category.

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  1. Oliver N.
    Fast delivery.....very satisfied.
  2. James
    Communication with the store very perfect, nice support. Good prices and the goods were in stock and arrived quickly.
  3. Amelia
    Everything OK.

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We have a tip for a good place to buy this product Mutneys Peach & Passionfruit General Purpose Shampoo. We recommend purchasing from the Christies Direct eshop.

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