Product description: Ocarro All-Terrain Pushchair - Studio
Ready to go anywhere Tackle any terrain with the newly updated go-anywhere pushchair, the special edition Ocarro Studio. Moving effortlessly between rugged terrain and urban kerbs, the Ocarro comfortably takes on the day-to-day of both rural and suburban living, thanks to its 4-wheel suspension and large puncture-proof tyres that ensure a smooth steady ride on any terrain. With its updated 5-point safety harness, large padded seat, cushioned chest pads and head-hugging pillow, your little one will always have a safe and comfy ride, as will whoever is pushing thanks to height-adjustable handlebar and ultra-smooth steering. For family days out the Ocarro is ideal, thanks to its ultra easy-access, extra-large storage basket, with unique drain hole feature for easy cleaning, mesh pockets for storing adaptors and all-weather features including UPF 50+ large extendable hood and rain cover. And when it comes to packing your Ocarro away in the car or at home, you can quickly fold it using one hand, then store it away neatly thanks to its compact design. Inspired by soft tailoring and warm neutrals, the special-edition Ocarro Studio features a delicate palette of super soft recycled fabrics in a gentle neutral shade. A quietly luxe modern style.Product Features:Lay-back seat suitable from birth Contoured cushioned chest pads Large extendable UPF50+ ventilated hood and peek-a-boo window for all weather protection 5-point safety harness Rubberised foot well Ultra soft recycled fabrics with anti crease backing Height adjustable handlebar Attach toys to the toy loop to keep little ones entertained on the go Ergonomically-designed chassis can easily tackle kerbs Keep your adaptors and rain cover handy with the mesh pockets
Mamas & Papas is selling Ocarro All-Terrain Pushchair - Studio for 899 £ today. You can easily buy goods immediately in the e-shop. The product is in stock for fast shipping and is in the category.
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We have a tip for a good place to buy this product Ocarro All-Terrain Pushchair - Studio. We recommend purchasing from the Mamas & Papas eshop.