Product description: Portable Power Technology Portable Power Technology Powerpack Pro 3000
An industrial-grade powerpack fit for tradespeople, DIYers and Camping-and-Caravanners too. This all-in-one powerpack delivers AC and DC power, wherever and whenever you need it. Designed to be rugged and reliable, with a lithium ferrous phosphate battery solution that provides a highly stable 230V pure sine wave. Not only that, but it also provides DC output at 12V USB 3.0 and USB-C up to 100W. With an easy-to-read LCD screen that displays input and output power, as well as fault information and remaining time based on power load. This portable industrial-grade power pack also has an external, up to 540W, AC fast charger, which has the added benefits of keeping your power pack cooler and thereby more efficient, with an increase in working life, compared to the more common internal chargers. To aid this further, the whole Pro series uses 4 internal fans to keep optimum functionality throughout both short and extended periods of use. Another bonus of the Pro Series is that it is solar compatible straight out of the box, with an MPPT Charge Controller included. Innovative, compact, robust… Stay powerful with the Powerpack Pro series.
Machine Mart is selling Portable Power Technology Portable Power Technology Powerpack Pro 3000 for 1 999 £ today. You can easily buy goods immediately in the e-shop. The product is in stock for fast shipping and is in the category.
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We have a tip for a good place to buy this product Portable Power Technology Portable Power Technology Powerpack Pro 3000. We recommend purchasing from the Machine Mart eshop.