Product description: Race Face Ambush Leg Guards
Re-designed and refreshed for 2022, the DH-caliber Ambush leg pads deliver confidence-inducing heavy-duty certified D3O® impact protection, foam padded sidewalls for additional knee coverage, and an extended EVA shin pad. Its open back design means they're easy to slip on and off trackside. Max protection when you're feeling like pushing your max.Key Features:Open-back design for easy install and removal.Featuring D3O® T5 Evo X certified impact absorbing foam.Perforated neoprene enhances venting and moisture control.Foam padded side walls offer additional coverage.Extended foam shin pad for extra protection.Unisex Size range from XS-XXL.Material: 33% Polyurethane Based Non-Woven Cellular Polymer, 20% Neoprene, 19% Nylon, 16% Polyester, 12% Ethylene Vinyl Acetate.
Tredz Limited is selling Race Face Ambush Leg Guards for 62.99 £ today. You can easily buy goods immediately in the e-shop. The product is in stock for fast shipping and is in the category.
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