Product description: Revoltage RV-G112 Guitar Cabinet
Hear Your Guitar RoarThis semi-open back guitar speaker cabinet is designed to unleash the full potential of your amplifier and deliver a powerful, resonant tone. Featuring a single 12" custom-voiced speaker and a robust 60W power handling capacity, this cabinet is built to handle everything from sparkling cleans to aggressive high-gain sounds with ease.Built for the RoadCrafted from 16mm thick plywood, this cabinet is built to withstand the rigors of transport and gigging. The semi-open back design allows for a more open and resonant sound, while the classic black Tolex finish and white piping on the mesh give it a timeless look that will complement any stage or studio setup.Effortless PortabilityWith a convenient handle on the top, this cabinet is easy to carry and transport, making it ideal for gigging musicians and those who need to move their gear frequently.Seamless ConnectivityThe cabinet is equipped with a single 1/4" jack input and offers an 8 Ohm impedance, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of amplifiers.
Construction Method: Semi-open
Original Colour by Producer: Black
Weight: 14 kg
Handle: Yes
Colour: Black
Depth (cm): 30.0
Power: 60 W
Impedance: 8 Ohm
Speaker Type: Custom
Made in: China
Inputs: Jack 6,3 mm TS
Height (cm): 46.0
Speakers: 1x 12''
Width (cm): 46.0 is selling Revoltage RV-G112 Guitar Cabinet for 90.2 £ today. You can easily buy goods immediately in the e-shop. The product is in stock for fast shipping and is in the category.
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