Simplicity 16 Aluminium Pergola / Veranda - 1000mm x 3500mm Rectangular - Grey

This 1000mm x 3500mm wall mounted pergola, manufactured by Milwood Group, is made from high quality durable aluminium. The 16mm polycarbonate panels on the roof have a high impact resistance and a layer of UV absorber is coextruded onto them.A core compo… Full description »
1659 .74 £
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Product description: Simplicity 16 Aluminium Pergola / Veranda - 1000mm x 3500mm Rectangular - Grey
This 1000mm x 3500mm wall mounted pergola, manufactured by Milwood Group, is made from high quality durable aluminium. The 16mm polycarbonate panels on the roof have a high impact resistance and a layer of UV absorber is coextruded onto them.A core component of Milwoodand#039;s Simplicity 16 system is the integral gutter. Each veranda is supplied with an eaves beam that features an integrated gutter, which not only helps to collect rainwater and prevent water pooling on the ground, but also negates the need to purchase and install a seperate guttering system.When installing a Simplicity 16 pergola, posts should be spaced at a maximum of 4000mm and roof bars should be spaced at a maximum of 1050mm. This pergola has a minimum pitch of 2.5 degrees and a maximum pitch of 22.5 degrees.Features andamp; Benefits of Simplicity 16 PergolasCompliant with the BS476: Part 7: Class 1Y specification for fire performance.10-year manufacturerand#039;s guarantee and a 60-year life expectancy for the frame.The pergolas are built using a simple fixing system with minimal parts.No repainting is required throughout the pergolaand#039;s life, only simple cleaning.Supplied with an integrated gutter system.Huge range of length and projection configurations to choose from.It takes approximately 1 working day to build this Simplicity 16 pergola and we would recommend having 2-3 people involved in the process.

Professional Building Supplies is selling Simplicity 16 Aluminium Pergola / Veranda - 1000mm x 3500mm Rectangular - Grey for 1659 .74 £ today. You can easily buy goods immediately in the e-shop. The product is in stock for fast shipping and is in the category.

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  1. Oliver N.
    Fast delivery.....very satisfied.
  2. James
    Communication with the store very perfect, nice support. Good prices and the goods were in stock and arrived quickly.
  3. Amelia
    Everything OK.

About the seller Professional Building Supplies

Professional Building Supplies is a trusted supplier of specialist building and drainage products. With multiple branches across the UK, we stock a wide range of materials, from guttering and drainage to roofing and cladding. Each location offers specialist stock, including bespoke windows, ventilation, and fixings. Our expert team is always ready to help you find the right products with ease.

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Where to buy Simplicity 16 Aluminium Pergola / Veranda - 1000mm x 3500mm Rectangular - Grey

We have a tip for a good place to buy this product Simplicity 16 Aluminium Pergola / Veranda - 1000mm x 3500mm Rectangular - Grey. We recommend purchasing from the Professional Building Supplies eshop.

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