Product description: Thule Urban Glide 3 Pushchair – Mid Blue
Thule Urban Glide 3 Pushchair – Mid Blue A city-friendly, all-terrain stroller that's perfect for newborns and toddlers. As the ultimate full-size urban stroller, it seamlessly blends comfort, functionality, generous storage capacity, and performance on any surface. Designed for everyday use, it allows for unparalleled maneuverability. Glide through tight corners and crowded spaces, whether you're strolling city streets or conquering rough terrain. Product Features:The swivel front wheels, which locks into place for higher speeds, combined with large rear wheels, makes the stroller lightweight and easy to maneuverBuilt-in legrest and comfortable seat with adjustable recline gives full child comfort all day whether taking in the sights or a napIntegrated twist hand brake for smooth, safe speed control in any terrain Easy, one-hand, compact fold with self-stand feature for easy storage and transportationA large cargo basket with a zip-top cover, a rear mesh pocket, and two mesh compartments for snacks or toys provides ample space for everything you need Large canopy with full coverage and ventilation ensures your child is comfortableErgonomic, adjustable handlebar for maximum parent comfort Secure and comfortable seat with easily adjustable, padded 5-point harnessPeak-a-boo window lets you check on your sleeping child without disturbing themReflective feature on canopy and wheels ensures visibility and safety
Mamas & Papas is selling Thule Urban Glide 3 Pushchair – Mid Blue for 749.99 £ today. You can easily buy goods immediately in the e-shop. The product is in stock for fast shipping and is in the category.
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We have a tip for a good place to buy this product Thule Urban Glide 3 Pushchair – Mid Blue. We recommend purchasing from the Mamas & Papas eshop.