Wahl 8 Piece Metal Comb Guide Set

Wahl Metal Comb Guides No more broken plastic comb guides. These new metal comb guides simply glide through the coat. Best used in conjunction with a No 30, can also fit 15 or 10 blade. Set of 8 in storage case. Sizes range from 3mm - 25mm. Compatible… Full description »
  • Availability: 16.01.2025
  • Manufacturer: Wahl
  • EAN: 043917339009
25.99 £
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Product description: Wahl 8 Piece Metal Comb Guide Set
Wahl Metal Comb Guides No more broken plastic comb guides. These new metal comb guides simply glide through the coat. Best used in conjunction with a No 30, can also fit 15 or 10 blade. Set of 8 in storage case. Sizes range from 3mm - 25mm. Compatible with A5 type blades (andis, oster, groom professional) Check out Award Winning Sue Zecco Demonstrating this product in the video below. Wahl Metal Comb Guide Size Chart Colour Size Number Red 3mm 1 Purple 6mm 2 Blue 10mm 3 Orange 13mm 4 Yellow 16mm 5 Lilac 19mm 6 Green 22mm 7 Cyan 25mm 8

Christies Direct is selling Wahl 8 Piece Metal Comb Guide Set for 25.99 £ today. You can easily buy goods immediately in the e-shop. The product is in stock for fast shipping and is in the category.

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