Product description: Weber Go Anywhere Charcoal BBQ
The Weber Go Anywhere Charcoal BBQ is compact and easy to transport, making it perfect for use on camping breaks or trips to the beach.__ The whole barbeque is weather-proof and rust-resistant, with a porcelain-enamel coating on the steel lid and bowl, and a durable triple-plated steel cooking grate.__ It has reinforced nylon carry handle with a protective heat shield, and stands on triple-plated stainless steel legs which fold up conveniently over the lid to secure it shut for easy carriage and storage.__ A charcoal measuring cup is included, helping you to cook perfect barbeque food. __ Dimensions: 44 x 42 x 27 cm
Go Outdoors is selling Weber Go Anywhere Charcoal BBQ for 95 £ today. You can easily buy goods immediately in the e-shop. The product is in stock for fast shipping and is in the category.
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