Welcome to the World Seedling Luxury Changing Mattress - Natural

Welcome nature into their nursery with our Welcome to the World Seedling collection. Rich in organically inspired elements, comforting textures, sustainably-sourced fabrics and a warming colour palette, this unisex interiors collection of bedding, blanke… Full description »
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Product description: Welcome to the World Seedling Luxury Changing Mattress - Natural
Welcome nature into their nursery with our Welcome to the World Seedling collection. Rich in organically inspired elements, comforting textures, sustainably-sourced fabrics and a warming colour palette, this unisex interiors collection of bedding, blankets, dreampods and accessories, inspired by the natural world, will give your little one's room an inviting sense of the outdoors. Quietly sophisticated and enchanting this range brings together a signature palette of earthy neutrals - mushroom, fawn and linen; understated prints - woodland fauna and wildlife; and layers of contrasting fabrics, including 100% organic sustainably-sourced cotton, cool muslin and ultrasoft knits. Calming in nature and rich in the magic of outdoors, Welcome to the World Seedling is the subtle collection that makes a big impact.Keep them protected and cosy while you change them with our Luxury Changing Mat. Suitable from birth, the padded mat and soft cushioned pillow ensure they're always supported and comfy. A removable washable cover in a soft yet durable fabric means that you don't need to worry about spills and accidents. Fits all Mamas & Papas' dressers and changing tops. Designed to co-ordinate stylishly with the rest of the WTTW collection, this unisex piece is neutral in style, so works beautifully in any nursery setting.

Mamas & Papas is selling Welcome to the World Seedling Luxury Changing Mattress - Natural for 36 £ today. You can easily buy goods immediately in the e-shop. The product is in stock for fast shipping and is in the category.

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  1. Oliver N.
    Fast delivery.....very satisfied.
  2. James
    Communication with the store very perfect, nice support. Good prices and the goods were in stock and arrived quickly.
  3. Amelia
    Everything OK.

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We have a tip for a good place to buy this product Welcome to the World Seedling Luxury Changing Mattress - Natural. We recommend purchasing from the Mamas & Papas eshop.

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