Young's Gastro 2 Sea Salt & Cracked Black Pepper Basa Fillets 310g

Lightly dusted. 100% Fillet. Young's. Manufacturers Address Young's, PO Box 51, Grimsby, DN31 3TJ. Young's Seafood (Ireland), Burlington Business Park, Sragh Road, Tullamore, Co. Offaly, R35 F7X4. Return to Here to help! Visit us at...www. youngsseafood… Full description »
  • Availability: 31.01.2025
  • Manufacturer: Pepper
  • EAN: 5000205046990
4 £
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Product description: Young's Gastro 2 Sea Salt & Cracked Black Pepper Basa Fillets 310g
Lightly dusted. 100% Fillet. Young's. Manufacturers Address Young's, PO Box 51, Grimsby, DN31 3TJ. Young's Seafood (Ireland), Burlington Business Park, Sragh Road, Tullamore, Co. Offaly, R35 F7X4. Return to Here to help! Visit us at...www. youngsseafood. co. uk for FAQ's Email us co. uk Write to us at... Young's, PO Box 51, Grimsby, DN31 3TJ. Young's Seafood (Ireland), Burlington Business Park, Sragh Road, Tullamore, Co. Offaly, R35 F7X4. Package type Box Storage information Keep Frozen

Iceland is selling Young's Gastro 2 Sea Salt & Cracked Black Pepper Basa Fillets 310g for 4 £ today. You can easily buy goods immediately in the e-shop. The product is in stock for fast shipping and is in the category.

The description, parameters and specifications of the product are available on the website. In the catalog you can also read reviews of Young's Gastro 2 Sea Salt & Cracked Black Pepper Basa Fillets 310g, a description of the seller Iceland and recommendations where to buy Young's Gastro 2 Sea Salt & Cracked Black Pepper Basa Fillets 310g. You can find more detailed information about this product on the seller's website.
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Product Young's Gastro 2 Sea Salt & Cracked Black Pepper Basa Fillets 310g has an excellent rating from mothers.

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  1. Oliver N.
    Fast delivery.....very satisfied.
  2. James
    Communication with the store very perfect, nice support. Good prices and the goods were in stock and arrived quickly.
  3. Amelia
    Everything OK.

About the seller Iceland

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Where to buy Young's Gastro 2 Sea Salt & Cracked Black Pepper Basa Fillets 310g

We have a tip for a good place to buy this product Young's Gastro 2 Sea Salt & Cracked Black Pepper Basa Fillets 310g. We recommend purchasing from the Iceland eshop.

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